Baby Steps Towards Web Development
There are so many websites out there today. Come to think of it, these creative websites might overwhelm you with the complexities involved in developing it. Perhaps, building a website isn’t as toughie as you think. Let’s take a look into the basics before we dive deep.
What constitutes a Website?
This site or any site that you visit on the internet comprises three main elements namely, Websites, Web Servers, and Web Browsers.
Every website constitutes two ends. What is visible to you(client) directly while navigating through a website is called the front-end, which is known as the client side. The front-end is developed using languages like HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The back-end is where the behind the scene takes place from the server side that sends, receives and stores information. The back-end is developed using languages like PHP, Python and Ruby.
All right, if it isn’t as tough as mentioned earlier, where does this road map begin? Now, where are the steps to become a good web developer? Well, here you go -
1. Required Learning
Design your own website from scratch by learning the following front-end programming languages:
Hyper Text Markup Language is the most basic and easy-peasy programming language to learn for developing the front end. Unlike hash-tags, HTML also uses tags between angular brackets to read and transform information.
For e.g: to bolden a text make use of the <b> tag — <b>*insert your text here*</b>
Cascading Style Sheets says how HTML elements should appear on the webpage. It is mainly related to the presentation of the pages/sites. You will not feel the pressure of learning when you start with CSS. The several formatting options will make you want to work with it more!
Now, coding(HTML), formatting/designing(CSS) is done. What next? Controlling how your web page “behaves.” Yes, if you are very passionate to learn web development, it is very important to learn JavaScript that makes websites interactive by combining both HTML and CSS.
Languages Used to Develop Backend:
When compared to C, C++, python is the easiest programming language to learn for beginners. It’s more similar to day to day language. In addition to it, python offers a wide range of extensive support and framework to begin your journey in coding.
Ruby is a general purpose programming language that acts as a buffer between the programmers and the underlying machine. Step your foot ahead to learn multiple ways to solve the same problem using. That’s Ruby for you!
2. Tools Required to Become a Web Developer
Now that you’ve got a hold of the basic programming languages required to develop a website, it is important to understand that usage of “right” tools will make the process flow smoothly. There are three such entities namely, Browser, Text Editor, and a Version Control System to launch your code.
Text Editors
This is the place where you write your codes. Needless to say, there’s a built-in text editor in all the systems. And that is …….
You’re right!
That’s notepad. Notepad is a simple and an easy editor for beginners.
However, as you unlock different levels as a developer, you must look out for other robust text editing resources. Take a quick look into what the current web developers are using to simplify their work -
- Atom — created by GitHub, open source, cross platform ; free
- Sublime Text — cross platform; paid
- VS Code — open source created by Microsoft ; free
- Brackets — open source offered by Adobe; free
Version Control System — Git & GitHub
Git is a distributed version control system that tracks changes in a project file. The famous tech and media giants like Google, FaceBook, and Netflix use Git as the major software development model. GitHub is a platform to host online coding.
3. Select a Web Host
A web host allocates space on a web server to store a website’s files. Web hosting enables the users to view your files/web pages online. Any and every website you visit is hosted on a server. Put simply, hosting on the web is the process of renting a space for your website on the world wide web. Blue Host, GoDaddy, Hostgator, are some of the famous, economical and reliable web host services.
4. Where to Build a Website?
Manage your website hassle free with free website builders like Wordpress, Wix, Drupal, Joomla, and Typo3 that are easy to use, especially for beginners who wish to start their web development journey. Right from domains you can use all the above mentioned open source platforms to develop a website seamlessly.
5. What Do You Want to Do With Your Website
Now that you have created a website, decide what should cover. Select your favourite area — for instance, sports, art forms, health, etc. Decide what should go into your site and start building your website’s foundation on them. You can write blogs, infographics, or even upload memes on your favourite subject matter.
Finally, Get Started!
Now that you’ve looked into the steps of becoming a good web developer, it is important to begin your journey. So, Get. Set. Code with Rancho Labs to discover your passion for coding! Our live coding classes, web development, game development etc. from IITian mentors will be very handy for students and beginners alike to kick-start their journey of building websites.